
Silver Package


This package is aimed at businesses who would like a more advanced web-site, that can include features such as some database-driven updates, a portal to allow authorised users to update some content (e.g. news, blogs) directly, and advanced interaction with end-users.

Our silver package gives you a dynamic web-site in a style designed to meet your needs. We will meet with you, to discuss what you need from your web-site, how you want to keep it up-to-date, any automatic content you want to be imported from other systems, any advanced functionality, and any interaction with end-users.

The Henson IT Solutions Silver package is designed to get a custom web-site up and running fairly quickly, that can handle advanced functionality. If you need this advanced level, the Silver Package will be perfect for you.

The Silver package web-site can include:

  • An agreed number of pages
    • We will agree the expected number of base pages during our fact-finding analysis, and include this in the quotation. As content may be dynamic, the base pages can display different types of information depending for example on what is searched for or selected.
  • Photographs and images that you require
    • You can provide any images you would like to appear
    • We can also take photographs or obtain stock images
  • Advanced Interaction with Users, some examples of which are:
    • Dynamic Content (e.g. store locator, online shop)
    • Google Maps Interaction
    • Search Facilities
    • End-User updates
  • Option for authorised users to update agreed content, for example:
    • News Content
    • Events
    • Blogs
  • Ongoing Support
    • We will support your web-site, provide advice and assistance on any update mechanisms provided, and assist with any problems
  • Regular Updates to Static Content
    • We can arrange a quotation based on the likely amount of updates, and will charge either a regular monthly fee, or a cost for every 5 updates. However if the content is dynamic and/or updated directly by you, this may not be necessary.
  • Other Media
    • We are happy to include other files, such as sound or video clips.
  • Links to Social Media
  • Advice on search engine and social media marketing

Technical Details

Henson IT Solutions will develop the web-site, and provide an initial trial version for test purposes. Once everyone is happy with the solution, it will be made live, and will be hosted on the Henson IT Solutions cloud-based web-servers if required. We will also purchase and configure a domain name for you if you do not already have one.

Also consider

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    Bronze Package

    A much more simple package than the Silver package. It does not allow so much flexibility in user interaction and the dynamic content that can be provided under the Silver package, but allows a static web-site to be set up relatively quickly and cheaply.

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    Gold Package

    Allows a full custom application, such as a web-based or Windows administration system, a mobile phone application, or any kind of bespoke application to be developed exactly to your requirements

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    Platinum Package

    Allow Henson IT Solutions to completely review your business IT requirements and recommend how to use IT to take your business to a new level.

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    Equity Offer

    For start-ups or people with good ideas wanting to get their idea off the ground, Henson IT Solutions could take an equity share in your company in return for taking care of all your IT development needs.